Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Nominalizări Gopo 2018

     6.9 on the Richter Scale / 6,9 pe scara Richter (directed by Nae Caranfil), Breaking News (directed by Iulia Rugină), Fixer / Fixeur (directed by  Adrian Sitaru), Meda or The not so Bright Side of Thongs / Meda sau Partea nu prea fericită a lucrurilor (directed by Emanuel Pârvu) and  
     One Step Behind the Seraphim / Un pas în urma serafimilor (directed by Daniel Sandu) are the five feature films that are nominated for the Gopo Trophy (created by the sculptor Adrian Ilfoveanu), Best Feature category.
23 Romanian feature films released in cinemas in 2017 were considered by a jury for choosing the nominations for the 12th edition of the Gopo Awards. The winners will be announced during the Gopo Awards Gala, which will take place on March, 27, 2018, at the National Theatre in Bucharest.
     For this edition, the most nominated films are: One Step Behind the Seraphim – 15 nominations, 6.9 on the Richter Scale and  The Anniversary / Aniversarea (directed by Dan Chișu) – 8 nominations, , Ana, mon amour (directed by Călin Peter Netzer), Breaking News and Fixer – 7 nominations.
     Diana Cavallioti (Ana, mon amour), Voica Oltean (Breaking News), Ela Ionescu (D The Very Last Morning / Dimineața care nu se va sfârși), Cristina Flutur (Hawaii) and Ofelia Popii (Portraits in the Forest / Portrete în pădure) are nominated for the Best Actress in a Leading Role category.
     The nominations for the Best Actress in a Supporting Role category are:  Carmen Tănase (Ana, mon amour), Simona Bondoc (The Anniversary), Diana Spătărescu (Fixer), Rodica Lazăr (Hawaii) and Ana Ciontea (Marița).
     The Gopo statue for the Best Actor in a leading role will go to one of the following actors: Mircea Postelnicu (Ana, mon amour), Andi Vasluianu (Breaking News), Tudor Aaron Istodor (Fixer), Alexandru Potocean (Marița), Șerban Pavlu (Meda or The not so Good Part of Thingsor) and Vlad Ivanov (One Step Behind the Seraphim).
     The nominations for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role category are: Emanuel Pârvu și Lucian Ifrim (Anniversary), Adrian Văncică (The Last day / Ultima zi), Ali Amir and Ilie Dumitrescu Jr. (One Step Behind the Seraphim).
     The feature length documentaries that were nominated by the jury are: Brașov 1987. Two Years Too Early / Doi ani prea devreme (directed by Liviu Tofan), I Am Hercules / Eu sunt Hercule directed by Marius Iacob), Tarzan`s testicles / Ouăle lui Tarzan (directed by  Alexandru Solomon), Planet Petrila / Planeta Petrila  (directed by Andrei Dăscălescu), The Trial / Procesul (directed by Claudiu Mitcu) and  Dead Nation / Țara moartă (directed by Radu Jude).
     For the Best European Film category, the film critics of the jury voted the following five titles distributed in the Romanian cinemas last year: The Other Side of Hope (directed by Aki Kaurismäki), On Body and Soul (directed by Ildikó Enyedi), Dunkirk (directed by Christopher Nolan), Slack Bay (directed by Bruno Dumont) and  The Student (regia Kirill Serebrennikov).
     The complete list of the nominations is available here.
     All the nominations have been decided by a pre-selection jury made of professionals from our film industry: Nap Toader (director), Iuliana Tarnovețchi (producer), Barbu Bălășoiu (cinematographer), Radu Corciova (art designer), Gabriela Albu (film distribuitor) and the film critics Irina Margareta Nistor, Cătălin Olaru, Cristian Mărculescu, Angelo Mitchievici, Ion Indolean.
     After announcing the nominations, approximately 450 active members of the Romanian film industry will be invited to choose the winners of the 2018 Gopo trophies. This thing will be made possible thanks to a voting system created by the global professional services firm PwC Romania.
     Gala The 2018 Gopo Awards Gala – the 12th edition is organized by the Romanian Film Promotion Association, with the support of the National Film Center, of Babel Communications and of the Ministry of Culture and National Identity.

Tags: 6,9 pe scara richter film, fixeur film, nominalizari gopo 2018, ouale lui tarzan film, un pas in urma serafimilor film
