Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Docuart 2016: Ovidiu Bose Paștina Retrospective

    The Docuart Documentary Film Festival scheduled a special moment in its program, dedicated to the filmmaker Ovidiu Bose Paștina. Though he worked at the Sahia Studio for a few years, Bose was one of the most original documentary filmmaker; with only a few films, he had a remarkable artistic career. Maybe that is why this year`s edition of the Anonimul Film Festival also included a retrospective. Laurențiu Damian, who used to be his colleague at the university and at the Sahia Studio was there, together with Bose`s son, 
Iacob Paștina, who is a talented, aspiring filmmaker.
     The Docuart Retrospective was organized by Cornel Mihalache, who had also been a part of the Sahia team. The festival screened almost all his films that had been kept; Daniela Apostol, the Docuart director, said she would recommend them to be included inany student`s curriculum. The cinematographer Mircea Bunescu  and the sound engineer Horea Murgu talked about the period when they were made and about the creative and elegant Bose, as they used to call him.
     Ovidiu Bose Paștina graduated from the Theatre and Film Academy in Bucharest with the short film The Art of Individual Defense. The film crew included Mircea Bunescu, Horea Murgu and other colleagues, including Laurențiu Damian. Being a very original filmmaker, Bose made true works of art out of films he was commanded to direct, about work protection for instance, which were not even checked by the censorship, such as People who can tell. The last film he made was the documentary Timișoara. December 1989, a Sahia Studio production. After the closing down of the documentary studio, Ovidiu Bose Paștina worked as the artistic director of a few TV stations: PRO TV, Prima TV, Realitatea TV. The only film project that he worked on was the adaptation of the novel “The Phantom Father” that he never got to make, because of his poor health condition. The feature film The Phantom Father was directed by Lucian Georgescu, a good friend of Bose, with whom he had developed the idea for a feature film.   

Cinematography: Valeriu Ciubotaru


Tags: cornel mihalache, docuart fest 2016, horea murgu, mircea bunescu, ovidiu bose pastina, retrospectiva ovidiu bose pastina
