Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

“Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something” awarded at FICAE 2017

     The animation Mamă, tată, vreau să vă spun ceva / Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something directed by Paul Mureșan won the First Prize for Best Animation Short Film at 3FICAE.
     FICAE - Diseases International Short Film and Art Festival took place from February 25 to March 4, 2017 in Valencia, Spain.
     The FICAE official competition also included the short film Raisa (directed by Pavel Cuzuoic) and the documentary Nouăzeci și doi mai mult sau mai puțin/ Ninety-two More or Less (directed by Brîndușa Ioana Nastasa).
     FICAE is a short film festival held annually in Valencia. The purpose of this festival is to promote social awareness about diseases as a process of life, in order to help destigmatize them. In addition, the festival seeks to promote artistic creation through audiovisual language to make it more visible and disseminate information about diseases, both those that involve changes to the physical state, as well as those that are considered social diseases.
     Find out more:
(Translation by Andreea Mihalcea)

Tags: ficae - festival international de cortometrajes y arte sobre enfermedades, mama, tata, vreau sa va spun ceva film, nouazeci si doi mai mult sau mai putin film, paul muresan, raisa film
