American professor Robert Traum embarks on an adventurous and amusing journey through Bucovina to find Sami the projectionist, the only person alive that can tell him anything about his Romanian Jewish descent. His symbolic journey is filled with danger, the unknown and the surreal, but finally rewarded with a double love: on the one hand he finds romantic love, on the other the passion for old cinema, nomad, popular, naive and generous." /> - The Phantom Father (2011)

Revistă online editată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România

Premiul pentru publicistică 2015 al Asociaţiei Criticilor de film

The Phantom Father (2011)

The Phantom Father

100 min. - Road Movie - AP 12 - 02.03.2012


American professor Robert Traum embarks on an adventurous and amusing journey through Bucovina to find Sami the projectionist, the only person alive that can tell him anything about his Romanian Jewish descent. His symbolic journey is filled with danger, the unknown and the surreal, but finally rewarded with a double love: on the one hand he finds romantic love, on the other the passion for old cinema, nomad, popular, naive and generous.

Director: Lucian Georgescu

Writer: Lucian Georgescu, Barry Gifford

Stars: Marcel Iureş, Mihaela Sîrbu

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Marcel Iureş Robert Traum
Mihaela Sîrbu Tanya
Valer Dellakeza Sami
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Transilvania Film


  1. 2012 - Festivalul la Festivalul Internațional de Film “Shaken’s Stars” de la Almaty – Kazakhstan - Premiul Special
    2012 - PROCULT Cinefestival din Roma – Italia - Premiul Metamorfoze (Debut)


  • Actriţa Emilia Dobrin apare pe generic cu numele Emilia Dabija.
Norman Mailer despre film:
Omagiu tandru și nostalgic adus unei epoci apuse, Tatăl Fantomă este un pulp road movie care îmbină stilistic cinema-ul postmodern cu cel clasic. Filmul reprezintă debutul în regia de lungmetraj a lui Lucian Georgescu, și este scris de acesta împreună cu Barry Gifford, fiul unui gangster din Chicago, ”singurul prozator american în viață, posedat de geniu”.
