One morning, Marian (Marian Bratu), a 7-year-old boy, wakes up his father(Gabriel Spahiu) and persuades him to go into town to fix their old TV set. We follow their journey as they travel from their village to the town, where they meet up with Mr. Bichescu (AlexandruGeorgescu), the only one capable of fixing the problem. " /> - The Tube with a Hat (2005)

Revistă online editată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România

Premiul pentru publicistică 2015 al Asociaţiei Criticilor de film

The Tube with a Hat (2005)

The Tube with a Hat

23 min. - Scurtmetraj - AG -


One morning, Marian (Marian Bratu), a 7-year-old boy, wakes up his father(Gabriel Spahiu) and persuades him to go into town to fix their old TV set. We follow their journey as they travel from their village to the town, where they meet up with Mr. Bichescu (AlexandruGeorgescu), the only one capable of fixing the problem. 

Director: Radu Jude

Writer: Florin Lăzărescu

Stars: Gabriel Spahiu, Marian Bratu

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Gabriel Spahiu Father
The Tube with a Hat (2005) Marian Bratu Marian
Natalia Călin Mother
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Hi Film Productions


Hi Film Productions


  1. 2006 - Montpellier - Big Prize for Short
    2006 - Cottbus - Best Short
    2006 - Bilbao - Big Prize
    2006 - UCIN - Prize for Best Fiction Short
    2006 - DaKino - DaKino Trophy for Best Short
    2007 - Aspen - Special Jury Award
    2007 - Trieste - Best Short Film Award and Audience Award
    2007 - Valencia - Golden Moon of Valencia
    2007 - Cracovia - Silver Dragon Prize
    2007 - Huesca - Golden Danzante
    2007 - San Francisco - Golden Gate Award
    2007 - Uppsala - Grand \prix
    2007 - Lisabona - Grand Prix
    2007 - Sundance - Short Filmmaking Award
    2007 - Gopo - Best Short
    2007 - TIFF - Romanian Days Award for Best Short Film
    2007 - Hamburg - Grand Prix
    2007 - Mediawave, Ungaria - Best Short Film Award