Revistă online editată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România

Premiul pentru publicistică 2015 al Asociaţiei Criticilor de film

Kapitalism - Our Improved Formula (2010)

Kapitalism - Our Improved Formula

80 min. - Documentar - AG - 02.11.2010

Synopsis: The documentary proposes an imaginary return of dictator Ceausescu after 20 years of capitalism in his country, Romania. Dan Voiculescu, Ioan Niculae, George Copos, Dan Diaconescu, Dinu Patriciu or George Becali are only a part of the the country's businessmen who are shown during this documentary, in their homes, during meetings or yacht cruises.

Director: Alexandru Solomon

Writer: Alexandru Solomon

Stars: George Becali, George Copos, Dan Voiculescu

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Kapitalism - Our Improved Formula (2010) George Becali
Kapitalism - Our Improved Formula (2010) George Copos
Kapitalism - Our Improved Formula (2010) Dan Diaconescu
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HiFilm Productions
Neon Rouge Production

Date de producție

Câştigă concursul de proiecte CNC sesiunea iunie-iulie 2008.


Parada Film


  1. 2010 - UCIN - Best Documentary


  • Selected at Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Sarajevo, Competiție Documentar – 2010, Bosnia și Herțegovina; Festivalul Internațional de Film Documentar de la Amsterdam (IDFA), Panorama – Olanda, 2010; Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Goteborg, Competiție Documentar – Suedia, 2011; Festivalul Internațional de Film One World de la Praga – Cehia, 2011; Festivalul Internațional de Film Alpe Adria de la Trieste, Competiție Documentar – Italia, 2011; Festivalul Internațional de Film Documentar de la Londra – Marea Britanie, 2011; Festivalul Internațional de Film de la Bratislava – Slovacia, 2011; Festivalul Internațional de Film Free Zone de la Belgrad – Serbia, 2010; Festivalul de Film Din Europa Centrală si Est-Europeană goEast, Wiesbaden – Germania, 2011; Festivalul Filmului Independent de la Roma – Italia, 2011; Festivalul Filmului Sud-Est European de la Los Angeles – SUA, 2011; Festivalul de Film Vukovar – Croația, 2011; Festivalul Internațional de Film Dedicat Drepturilor Omului din Tirana – Albania, 2011

Alexandru Solomon about the film:
”Imagine Ceausescu would come back 20 years after he was overthrown and executed. That he would start comparing the state in which he left the country for us, with the state of today. Imagine the former Communist dictator would understand it is some of his nearest who built Capitalism and that – generally – Romanians think only about money, cars and consumption. The proposal might seem absurd or funny – and it is. Because how else is post communist reality? I prefer to see it as a comedy. Anyway, there’s nothing more we can change about it. After Eastern European countries joined the EU, our recipe for capitalism might be successful in other parts of the world” 
