Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Letter of Forgiveness (2019)

Bilet de iertare (2019)

15 min. - Drama Short Movie - - 11.11.2019

Synopsis: In the household of a wealthy Romanian noblewoman in 1855, Maria, a Roma-Gipsy slave, fights to obtain freedom for her son Dinca. Part of a future full-length project, the short film presents a day in the household in which Maria and her son, Dinca, serve as slaves. As important guests arrive for dinner and all the slaves are making preparations, Maria and her son see this day as a chance to take a step to change their fate. During slavery time, up until 1856, the Romanian equivalent of the word "forgiveness" was used when referring to freeing someone from slavery (the Roma slave was "forgiven" from slavery). (Untold Stories)

Director: Alina Șerban

Writer: Alina Șerban

Stars: Oana Ștefănescu, Ionuț Habeț, Alina Șerban

Photo Gallery:

  • Letter of Forgiveness (2019)
  • Letter of Forgiveness (2019)
  • Letter of Forgiveness (2019)
  • Letter of Forgiveness (2019)
  • Letter of Forgiveness (2019)

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Oana Ștefănescu Profirita
Letter of Forgiveness (2019) Ionuț Habet Dincă
Emil Măndănac Domnitorul Ghica
Browse the entire cast and crew

Produced By

Asociația Untold Stories & Mobra Films

Production info

Proiect derulat de Asociația Untold Stories și finanțat prin programul „În stare de bine”, susținut de Kaufland România și implementat de Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile și co-finanțat de Guvernul României - Departamentul pentru Relații Interetnice.

Festivals, Awards

  1. 2020 - Transilvania IFF - Special Mention for short at Romanian Days
    2023 - FIF Manhatan - Best Actress (Alina Serban)


 During slavery time, up until 1856, the Romanian equivalent of the word "forgiveness" was used when referring to freeing someone from slavery (the Roma slave was "forgiven" from slavery). (Untold Stories)


  • Asociația Untold Stories a fost înființată de către Alina Șerban în 2015 și are ca misiune documentarea şi promovarea culturii şi identităţii rome.

Letter of Forgiveness (2019) - Photo