Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Carmen Tănase

  • Actress
  • Born: 18.01.1961 in Ploieşti (Prahova)
Graduate of the Institute of Theatre and Film "I.L.Caragiale" (year 1984, class Olga Tudorache). After graduation she is hired at the National Theater in Iasi. Since 1990 she has been part of the Odeon Theater company in Bucharest.


  • A fost căsătorită cu criticul de film Victor Parhon (1943-2000), cu care are un fiu, Tudor Parhon (născut în 1989), absolvent al Facultății de Film - Regie în Olanda.
  • Site personal -