Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

“Mia Misses Her Revenge”, American premiere at the Slamdance Film Festival

     Mia Misses her revenge / Mia își ratează răzbunareaBogdan Theodor Olteanu` s second feature film, was selected for the competition of the Slamdance Film Festival, in the US. Launched in 1995 as an alternative to the Sundance Film Festival, the 2021 edition of the Slamdance Film festival (February 12-25) will be a hybrid one. The opening film and the closing film of the festival will be screened at a drive-in. Virtual festival passes are available for free until December 31, with $10 per festival passes available thereafter. 
Details: Variety

Cuvinte cheie: bogdan theodor olteanu, mia isi rateaza razbunarea film, slamdance film festival 2021
