Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Portrait “Radu Gabrea - In Memoriam”

   Many filmmakers, the director`s friends or collaborators and also usual spectators gathered together at the Cinemateca Union to watch 10 of Radu Gabrea`s films. The Event was organized by the Union of the Film and Audio-visual Producers from Romania (UPFAR) and the Romanian Trust Association of the Audio-visual Works (ARGOA)  with the support of the National Film Archive – the Romanian Cinematheque, of the Romanian Filmmakers Union and of UNATC “I.L.Caragiale”.
     The selection made by Dinu Tănase and Florin Paraschiv included the short films The Door /Ușa and Cadences / Cadențemade when Radu Gabrea was a student, some feature films made before he left the country, such as Beyond the Sands / Dincolo de nisipuri (a film that was banned by the censorship), some German productions, Fear not, Jakob! / Nu te teme, Iacob! and also recent productions, like A Love Story, Lindenfeld / O poveste de dragoste – Lindenfeld.

    The actor Dan Nuțu who worked with RaduGabrea for Too Little for Such a Big War / Prea mic pentru un războiatât de mare, Beyond the Sands / Dincolo de nisipuri and Fear not, Jakob! / Nu te teme, Iacob and who had also left Romania some years ago, attended the screening that took place at the Cinemateca Union. Dan Nuțu returned to Romania and has been organizing the Aristoteles Workshop for many years, a workshop for documentaries which won many awards.
Cinematography: Nicolae Cara
Translation: Iulia Necoara

Tags: dan nutu, filme romanesti, radu gabrea, retrospectiva radu gabrea, romanian filmmakers
