Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Programme of Romanian Cinematheque (12-31 May 2017)

     Vara s-a sfârșit / End of Summer (directed by Radu Potcoavă), Varză, cartofi și alți demoni / Cabbage, Potatoes and Other Demons (directed by Șerban Georgescu) and Ultima zi / Last Day (directed by  Gabriel Achim) are the three Romanian films to be seen in May, at the Romanian Cinematheque.
     Also during this month, at Cinematheque Eforie, Bucharest Fashion Film Festival will take place, between 12-14 May 2017, while at Union Hall, several of the latest European features are scheduled: Cealaltă parte a speranței / The Other Side of Hope (directed by Aki Kaurismäki), Complet străini / Perfect Strangers (directed by Paolo Genovese), Cea mai fericită zi din viața lui Olli Mäki / The Happiest Day of the Life of Olli Mäki (directed by directed by Juho Kuosmanen) and Fata necunoscută / The Unknown Girl (directed by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne).

Programme Cinematheque Eforie (12 – 31 May 2017)

Friday, 12 May
17:30 Cinema today, premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
20:00 Bucharest Fashion Film Festival: PRIMA LUNI DIN MAI / THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY (USA, 2016, directed by Andrew Rossi)
Saturday, 13 May
16:00 Bucharest Fashion Film Festival: FASHION FILMS SHOWCASE (shorts)
18:00 Bucharest Fashion Film Festival: SURORILE DIN JUNGLĂ / THE JUNGLE SISTERS (Great Britain-India, directed by Chloe Ruthven)
20:00 Bucharest Fashion Film Festival: CINE EŞTI, POLLY MAGGOO? / QUI ÊTES-VOUS, POLLY MAGGOO? / WHO ARE YOU, POLLY MAGGOO? (France, 1966, directed by William Klein)
Sunday, 14 May
16:00 Cinema today, premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
18:00 Bucharest Fashion Film Festival: FASHION FILMS SHOWCASE (shorts)
20:00 Bucharest Fashion Film Festival: LACRIMILE PETREI VON KANT / DIE BITTEREN TRÄNEN DER PETRA VON KANT / THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT (RFG, 1972, directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
Tuesday, 16 May
18:00 Cinema today: VARZĂ, CARTOFI ŞI ALŢI DEMONI / CABBAGE, POTATOES AND OTHER DEMONS (Romania-Germany, 2016, directed by Şerban Georgescu) – English subtitles
19:30 History of universal film in masterpieces (sole tariff: RON 3): TOTUL DESPRE EVE / ALL ABOUT EVE (USA, 1950, directed by Joseph L. Mankiewick)
Wednesday, 17 May
18:00 Richard Brooks, 105 years since birth (18 May): EDIŢIE SPECIALĂ / DEADLINE USA (USA, 1952, directed by Richard Brooks)
20:00 Cinema today, premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Thursday, 18 May
17:00 Cinema today: VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
19:00 Frank Capra, 120 de years since birth (18 May): NU O POŢI LUA CU TINE DUPĂ MOARTE / YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU (USA, 1938, directed by Frank Capra)
Friday, 19 May
18:00 Bo Widerberg, 20 since death (1 May): ELVIRA MADIGAN (Sweden, 1967, directed by Bo Widerberg)
20:00 Cinema today: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Saturday, 20 May
15:00 Film at viewers’ request: VIAȚA ŞI MOARTEA COLONELULUI BLIMP / THE LIFE AND DEATH OF COLONEL BLIMP (Great Britain, 1943, directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger)
18:00 Cinema today: VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
20:00 Film at viewers’ request: LA STRADA / THE ROAD (Italy, 1954, directed by Federico Fellini)
Sunday, 21 May
15:30 Bo Widerberg, 20 since death (1 May): ELVIRA MADIGAN (Sweden, 1967, directed by Bo Widerberg)
17:30 John Wayne, 110 years since birth (26 May): CURAJ ADEVĂRAT (O SUTĂ DE DOLARI PENTRU ŞERIF) / TRUE GRIT (USA, 1969, directed by Henry Hathaway)
20:00 Film at viewers’ request: OMUL DIN LARAMIE / THE MAN FROM LARAMIE (USA, 1955, directed by Anthony Mann)
Tuesday, 23 May
17:30 Frank Capra, 120 de years since birth (18 May): NU O POŢI LUA CU TINE DUPĂ MOARTE / YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU (USA, 1938, directed by Frank Capra)
20:00 History of universal film in masterpieces (sole tariff: RON 3): RASHÔMON (Japan, 1950, directed by Akira Kurosawa)
Wednesday, 24 May
17:30 Laurence Olivier, 110 years since birth (22 May): MICA ROMANŢĂ / A LITTLE ROMANCE (Great Britain, 1979, directed by George Roy Hill)
19:30 Cinema today: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Thursday, 25 May
18:00 Film at viewers’ request: OMUL DIN LARAMIE / THE MAN FROM LARAMIE (USA, 1955, directed by Anthony Mann)
20:00 Cinema today: VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
Friday, 26 May
18:30 Cinema today: VARZĂ, CARTOFI ŞI ALŢI DEMONI / CABBAGE, POTATOES AND OTHER DEMONS (Romania-Germany, 2016, directed by Şerban Georgescu) – English subtitles
20:00 John Wayne, 110 years since birth (26 May): LOCOTENENTUL MCQ ÎN ACŢIUNE / MCQ (USA, 1974, directed by John Sturges)
Saturday, 27 May
14:00 Laurence Olivier, 110 years since birth (22 May): HENRIC AL V-LEA / HENRY V (THE CHRONICLE HISTORY OF KING HENRY THE FIFTH WITH HIS BATTELL FOUGHT AT AGINCOURT IN FRANCE) (Great Britain, 1945, directed by Laurence Olivier)
17:00 Cinema today: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
19:00 Film at viewers’ request: VIAȚA ŞI MOARTEA COLONELULUI BLIMP / THE LIFE AND DEATH OF COLONEL BLIMP (Great Britain, 1943, directed by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger)
Sunday, 28 May
16:00 Cinema today: VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
18:00 Laurence Olivier, 110 years since birth (22 May): MICA ROMANŢĂ / A LITTLE ROMANCE (Great Britain, 1979, directed by George Roy Hill)
20:00 Richard Brooks, 105 years since birth (18 May): EDIŢIE SPECIALĂ / DEADLINE USA (USA, 1952, directed by Richard Brooks)
Tuesday, 30 May
18:00 John Wayne, 110 years since birth (26 May): LOCOTENENTUL MCQ ÎN ACŢIUNE / MCQ (USA, 1974, directed by John Sturges)
20:00 History of universal film in masterpieces (sole tariff: RON 3): JURNALUL UNUI PREOT DE ŢARĂ / JOURNAL D’UN CURÉ DE CAMPAGNE / DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST (France, 1951, directed by Robert Bresson)
Wednesday, 31 May
17:30 Cinema today: VARZĂ, CARTOFI ŞI ALŢI DEMONI / CABBAGE, POTATOES AND OTHER DEMONS (Romania-Germany, 2016, directed by Şerban Georgescu) – English subtitles
19:00 Laurence Olivier, 110 years since birth (22 May): HENRIC AL V-LEA / HENRY V (THE CHRONICLE HISTORY OF KING HENRY THE FIFTH WITH HIS BATTELL FOUGHT AT AGINCOURT IN FRANCE) (Great Britain, 1945, directed by Laurence Olivier)
Programme Cinematheque Union (12 – 31 May 2017)
Friday, 12 May
20:00 Premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Saturday, 13 May
14:30 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5): ŞCOALA IEPURAŞILOR – PĂZITORII OULUI DE AUR / RABBIT SCHOOL – GUARDIANS OF THE GOLDEN EGG (Germany, 2017, directed by Ute von Münchow-Pohl) – doubled in Romanian
16:00 COMPLET STRĂINI / PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI / PERFECT STRANGERS (Italy, 2017, directed by Paolo Genovese)
18:00 VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
20:00 Premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Sunday, 14 May
12:30 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5): ŞCOALA IEPURAŞILOR – PĂZITORII OULUI DE AUR / RABBIT SCHOOL – GUARDIANS OF THE GOLDEN EGG (Germany, 2017, directed by Ute von Münchow-Pohl) – doubled in Romanian
14:00 VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
16:00 FATA NECUNOSCUTĂ / LA FILLE INCONNUE / THE UNKNOWN GIRL (Belgium-France, 2016, directed by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne)
18:00 COMPLET STRĂINI / PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI / PERFECT STRANGERS (Italy, 2017, directed by Paolo Genovese)
20:00 Premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Tuesday, 16 May
18:00 VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
20:00 Premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Wednesday, 17 May
18:00 Premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
20:00 COMPLET STRĂINI / PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI / PERFECT STRANGERS (Italy, 2017, directed by Paolo Genovese)
Thursday, 18 May
20:00 Premiere: ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
Friday, 19 May
18:00 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5; premiere): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
20:00 Premiere: CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
Saturday, 20 May
12:30 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5): ŞCOALA IEPURAŞILOR – PĂZITORII OULUI DE AUR / RABBIT SCHOOL – GUARDIANS OF THE GOLDEN EGG (Germany, 2017, directed by Ute von Münchow-Pohl) – doubled in Romanian
14:00 ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
16:00 COMPLET STRĂINI / PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI / PERFECT STRANGERS (Italy, 2017, directed by Paolo Genovese)
18:00 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5; premiere): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
20:00 Premiere: CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
Sunday, 21 May
12:30 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5): ŞCOALA IEPURAŞILOR – PĂZITORII OULUI DE AUR / RABBIT SCHOOL – GUARDIANS OF THE GOLDEN EGG (Germany, 2017, directed by Ute von Münchow-Pohl) – doubled in Romanian
14:00 COMPLET STRĂINI / PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI (Italy, 2017, directed by Paolo Genovese)
18:00 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5; premiere): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR / MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
20:00 Premiere: CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
Tuesday, 23 May
18:00 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5; premiere): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR / MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
20:00 Premiere: CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
Wednesday, 24 May
18:00 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5; premiere): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR / MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
20:00 Premiere: CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
Thursday, 25 May
18:00 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5; premiere): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR / MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
20:00 Premiere: CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
Friday, 26 May
18:00 CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
20:00 Premiere: CEALALTĂ PARTE A SPERANŢEI / TOIVON TUOLLA PUOLEN / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE (Finland-Germany, 2017, directed by Aki Kaurismäki)
Saturday, 27 May
14:30 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR / MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
16:00 COMPLET STRĂINI / PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI / PERFECT STRANGERS (Italy, 2017, directed by Paolo Genovese)
18:00 CEA MAI FERICITĂ ZI DIN VIAŢA LUI OLLI MÄKI / HYMYILEVÄ MIES (Finland-Sweden-Germany, 2016, directed by Juho Kuosmanen)
20:00 Premiere: CEALALTĂ PARTE A SPERANŢEI / TOIVON TUOLLA PUOLEN / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE (Finland-Germany, 2017, directed by Aki Kaurismäki)
Sunday, 28 May
10:30 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5): ŞCOALA IEPURAŞILOR – PĂZITORII OULUI DE AUR / RABBIT SCHOOL – GUARDIANS OF THE GOLDEN EGG (Germany, 2017, directed by Ute von Münchow-Pohl) – doubled in Romanian
12:00 Minicinema (special screenings for children and teenagers; sole tariff: RON 5): MARŞUL PINGUINILOR: CHEMAREA MISTERIOASĂ / L’EMPEREUR / MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (France, 2017, directed by Luc Jacquet) – doubled in Romanian
14:00 VARA S-A SFÂRȘIT / END OF SUMMER (Romania, 2017, directed by Radu Potcoavă) – English subtitles
16:00 ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
20:00 Premiere: CEALALTĂ PARTE A SPERANŢEI / TOIVON TUOLLA PUOLEN / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE (Finland-Germany, 2017, directed by Aki Kaurismäki)
Tuesday, 30 May
18:00 COMPLET STRĂINI / PERFETTI SCONOSCIUTI / PERFECT STRANGERS (Italy, 2017, directed by Paolo Genovese)
20:00 Premiere: CEALALTĂ PARTE A SPERANŢEI / TOIVON TUOLLA PUOLEN / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE (Finland-Germany, 2017, directed by Aki Kaurismäki)
Wednesday, 31 May
18:00 ULTIMA ZI / THE LAST DAY (Romania-France, 2016, directed by Gabriel Achim) – English subtitles
20:00 Premiere: CEALALTĂ PARTE A SPERANŢEI / TOIVON TUOLLA PUOLEN / THE OTHER SIDE OF HOPE (Finland-Germany, 2017, directed by Aki Kaurismäki)
(Translated by Stela Moise)

Tags: cinema eforie, cinema union, cinemateca romana bucuresti, ultima zi film, vara s-a sfarsit film, varza, cartofi si alti demoni film
