Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Documentaries, debates and Costică Acsinte exhibition at the Festival “Collected from the Balkans”

     The second edition of “Culese din Balkani” (Collected from the Balkans) Documentary Film Festival awaits the audience from Friday to Sunday (4 – 6 November) with over 30 documentary film screenings, debates with anthropologists, ethnologists and directors, Tzuica Day, and exhibition of Costică Acsinte collection, with tours through the Image Archives of the Farmers Museum and many other events.
     The festival will be held at the Farmers Museum Cinema and at the Farmers Club, admission being free of charge.
     Nea Vasile and the Folk Band from Mârșa will bring the festival's second edition to a close with a party at the Farmers Club.
     The films are divided into theme sections. AntRO is a section dedicated to Romanian documentary film directors who took visual anthropology and/or ethnography studies, or to foreign anthropologists who made films in Romania. Most of the films in this section were made as part of the research programmes developed by the universities where they studied.
     Balkanica is the international section screening films from Greece, Serbia, Macedonia, the Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania and Bulgaria. Special Manakia is dedicated to Manakia brothers, Balkans' photography and film pioneers, Focus Delta will present documentaries shot in the Danube Delta, and Roma Stories is a section including three films with three different approaches on the stories of the Roma community in Romania.
Programme of Culese din Balkani
FRIDAY, 5 November
17:00 - Bathers
directed by Eva Stefani, Greece, 2008, 45'
18.00 - Ca o musculiță / Like a Little Fly
directed by Ileana Gabriela Szasz, Romania 2013, 13'
Blocul / The Block
directed by Maria Șalaru, Romania, 2016, 60'
19:35 - Dialoguri de baltă / Pond Dialogues
directed by Ildikó Zonga Plájás, Romania, 2015, 53'
20:50 - Carnival King of Europe
directed by Giovanni Kezich & Michele Trentini, Italy, 2012, 38'
21:30 - Manaki Brothers. First cinematographers in the Balkans
Cinematheque of Macedonia, 64'
SATURDAY, 5 November
12:00 - Rose of Zagrad
directed by Vladimir Bocev, Macedonia, 2015, 49'
13:00 - Another Vojvodovo: thinking in pictures
directed by Michal Pavlásek, The Czech Republic, 2013, 34'
13:40 - Drumul păsărilor / Birds' Road
directed by Klára Trencsényi & Vlad Naumescu, Romania, 2009, 56'
14:45 - The test of Maturity
directed by Smirna Kulenović, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Serbia, 2012, 31'
When I was a boy, I was a girl
directed by Ivana Todorović, Serbia, 2013, 30'
15:50 - Ziua bună / Good Day
directed by Clara Kleininger, Moldova, 2014, 30'
Lume, pui și corcodușe / World, Chicken and Wax Cherries
directed by Maria Năstase, Romania/UK, 2013, 28'
17:15 - Păsări migratoare / Migrating Birds
directed by Ana Bleahu & Laurențiu Calciu, Endgland/ Romania, 49'
18:30 - Invisible Lives: Romanian Night Workers in London 
directed by Timothy Marrinan, Iulius-Cezar Macarie, Anglia, 2013, 15'
- We Belong to the Earth 
directed by Ramona August, Țara Galilor, 2016, 30'
19:45 - Frații Manakia. Jurnalul unei lungi priviri înapoi / Manakia Brothers. The Journal of a Long Look Back
directed by Eliza Zdru, Romania, 2016, 91'
21:45 - Ultimul Căldărar / The Last Cauldron Maker
directed by Cosmin Bumbuț & Elena Stancu, Romania, 2016, 59'
SUNDAY, 6 November
13:00 - Polyphonia – Albania’s forgotten voices
directed by Björn Reinhardt & Eckehard Pistrick, Germania/ Romania, 2011, 90'
14:45 - Lumina amintirii / The Light of Memories
directed by Alyssa Grossman, UK, 2010, 40'
15:30 - Înainte să adorm iți spun noapte bună / Before I Go To Sleep I Tell You Goodnight
directed by Andreea Moisei, Romania 2015, 18'
- Wild
directed by Dan Curean, Romania, 2013, 35 min
16:30 - ARMÂNII, de la faimoșii Manakia la Nu sunt faimos / ARMANIANS, from the famous Manakia to I am not famous
directed by Toma Enache, Romania 2016, 72'
18:00 - Broscatu 
directed by Mihai Andrei Leaha, Romania, 2011, 62'
19:20 - Jovica and his teeth
directed by Tanja Brzakovic, Serbia, 2015, 58'
20:30 - Vieți între ape / Lives Among Waters
directed by Oana Ivan, Romania, 2016, 90'
FRIDAY, 4 November
16:00 – SOCIAL LIFE IN PHOTOGRAPHS of Costică Acsinte Collection
OPENING of Photo Exhibition
SATURDAY, 5 November
13:30 - 16:00 - OPEN TALK. De la brut la (inter)net / OPEN TALK. From gross to (inter)net
Hosts: Ana Iuga, ethnologist & Mihai Andrei Leaha, anthropologist
Guests: Cezar Macarie, Ileana Szas, Maria Năstase
SUNDAY, 6 November
10.00 – 23.00 – Tzuica Day
13:30 - 15:30 - STUDENT SHOWCASE 
Presentation of films by students majoring in visual anthropology with Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and master degree studies at SNSPA of Bucharest
16:00 - Călușarii din Bârla / Căluș Dancers from din Bârla, TV documentary by Digi World Romania, 2014, 60'
21:30 – Concert performed by Nea Vasile and the Folk Band from Mârșa

Tags: bucuresti, culese de prin balkani, documentare romanesti, festival de film documentar, fratii manakia, muzeul țăranului român
