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The SINAPTICA - Mehedinți Association Launches the Project „Cultură de învățătură”

     The SINAPTICA - Mehedinți Association announces the finalization of the cultural project “Cultură de învățătură”, made in partnership with the Museum of the Iron Gates Region, the RTS Television and the Podeni Gymnasium School. the cultural project is co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN) took place from July 15 to November 15, 2019 and it followed the creating of a media product with educational purpose.
     During the implementation, 12 educational shows which use the cultural heritage of the Mehedinți county, in order to help the gymnasium children become familiar with notions from study subjects such as: physics, mathematics, history, geography, technological education, civic education. The shows are designed as alternative educational instruments for the teachers, but also as an informational support for the development of educational programs by museum and other owners of cultural heritage. A guide was made for them, which can be downloaded from the project website page.
     A water mill and the pottery are the premises for approaching the rotation and the centrifugal force; Apolodor`s Bridge from Drobeta, the details on the traditional clothes and on the old houses exemplify the geometric shapes; the explanations of a cooper include basic notions about the circle; some notions of civic culture are explained by cultural minorities that live in the Mehedinți county. The 12 episodes also present some of the historical monuments of the Mehedinți county, offering less known information known to the large audience.
     All the 12 episodes as well as the pilot episode are available on the Cultură de învățătură YouTube Chanel.
     Details: Asociația Sinaptica - Mehedinți // Cultura de învățătură FB


Tags: asociatia sinaptica mehedinti, materiale educationale, muzeul regional portile de fier, proiect cultura de invatatura
