Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

“6,9 on the Richter Scale” dominates: over 12.000   spectators in the first weekend

     Starting January 20, the comedy 6,9 pe scara Richter / 6,9 on the Richter Scale (directed by  Nae Caranfil) was launched in cinemas all over Romania.
     “It’s pure madness. It’s of an extreme playfulness,” writes Andrei Crăciun in his chronicle for the Metropolis magazine. Nae Caranfil’s seventh feature registered over 12.000 spectators in its first weekend run.
     Nae Caranfil, director, screenplay writer and music composer of the above considers that: “You can laugh at anything, anytime (but not all the time). There were made comedies about war, diseases, death. I remember that despite all that grief, in the aftermath of the terrible ‘77 earthquake in Bucharest, there appeared, first shyly then quite boldly, jokes about it.” He confesses that “laughter means therapy and even though I’m not the one who invented it, I really enjoy practicing!”
     The comedy 6,9 on the Richter Scale can be seen in over 30 cinemas in Romania. Nae Caranfil and the actress Maria Obretin will be part of the gala screening in Jassy, at the Athenaeum, on Jan 26,18 and 21h, then in Suceava, at Modern Cinema Hall, on Jan 27.Starting January 20, the comedy 6,9 pe scara Richter / 6,9 on the Richter Scale (directed by  Nae Caranfil) was launched in cinemas all over Romania.
     “It’s pure madness. It’s of an extreme playfulness,” writes Andrei Crăciun in his chronicle for the Metropolis magazine. Nae Caranfil’s seventh feature registered over 12.000 spectators in its first weekend run.
Nae Caranfil, director, screenplay writer and music composer of the above considers that: “You can laugh at anything, anytime (but not all the time). There were made comedies about war, diseases, death. I remember that despite all that grief, in the aftermath of the terrible ‘77 earthquake in Bucharest, there appeared, first shyly then quite boldly, jokes about it.” He confesses that “laughter means therapy and even though I’m not the one who invented it, I really enjoy practicing!”
     The comedy 6,9 on the Richter Scale can be seen in over 30 cinemas in Romania. Nae Caranfil and the actress Maria Obretin will be part of the gala screening in Jassy, at the Athenaeum, on Jan 26,18 and 21h, then in Suceava, at Modern Cinema Hall, on Jan 27.
     Details: Facebook

Tags: 6,9 on the richter scale film, 6,9 pe scara richter film, nae caranfil, premiera romaneasca, spectatori film romanesc
