Revistă online editată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România

Premiul pentru publicistică 2015 al Asociaţiei Criticilor de film

Alexandra (2006)

24 min. - Scurtmetraj - -

Tavi,a forty-year-old divorced father, comes to his ex-wife's home to repair his four-year-old daughter bike, Alexandra. He realizes with amazement that Alexandra does not call him "Daddy" any more. He asks an explanation from his ex-wife... Story developed in Toată lumea din familia noastră.

Regie: Radu Jude

Scenariu: Andrei Butică, Radu Jude, Augustina Stanciu

Actori principali: Serban Pavlu, Oana Ioachim, Mimi Brănescu

Galerie foto


Şerban Pavlu Tavi
Oana Ioachim Iulia
Alexandra (2006) Alexandra Pascu Alexandra
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HiFilm Productions


HiFilm Productions


  1. 2008 - Cottbus - Premiul penrru scurtmetraj
    2008 - Oberhausen - Premiul principal