Revistă online editată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România

Premiul pentru publicistică 2015 al Asociaţiei Criticilor de film

The Death of Mr. Lăzărescu (2004)

153 min. - Dramă - PG - 22.09.2005

A retired man gets sick on the night a serious traffic accident takes place. Mr. Lăzărescu has a bad headache and calls an ambulance, which arrives after a very long while and then carries Mr. Lăzărescu from one hospital to the other. He is getting worse and worse, but the hospitals are too crowded and the doctors are too busy. The one person staying with him is Miss Mioara, the doctor on the ambulance.

Regie: Cristi Puiu

Scenariu: Cristi Puiu, Răzvan Rădulescu

Actori principali: Ioan Fiscuteanu, Luminiţa Gheorghiu

Galerie foto

Galerie video


Ion Fiscuteanu Remus Dante Lăzărescu
Luminiţa Gheorghiu Mioara Avram
Gabriel Spahiu Leo, the driver
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  1. 2005 - Cannes - "Un certain regard” Award
    2005 - TIFF - Best director. Best Actor (Ion Fiscuteanu). Best Actress (Luminița Gheorghiu). FIPRESCI Prize. Audience Award.
    2005 - Alba Regia - „The Silver Orb” Grand Prize
    2005 - Palic - „The GoldenTower” Grand Prize
    2005 - Copenhaga - The Grand Prize of the Jury and the Male Actor Award (Ion Fiscuteanu)
    2005 - Chicago - „The Silver Hugo” Special Jury Award
    2005 - Namur - „The Bayard d'Or” Award for the Film and for Female Actress (Luminița Gheorghiu)
    2005 - UCIN - Best directing. Best screenplay. Best actress. Best actor.
    2006 - Palm Springs - FIPRESCI Prize Best Actor


„Have I put a bottle in your hand, you stupid...?”


Pentru genericele de inceput si sfarsit ale filmului regizorul Cristi Puiu a ales două melodii interpretate de Margareta Pâslaru: ”Chemarea mării” - muzica George Grigoriu, text Mircea Block si ”Cum e oare” - muzica Florin Bogardo, text Madeleine Fortunescu. 


Cristi Puiu about the film:
„This film speaks about me, about my fear of death, about my fear of separation. I live a nightmare at the thought of one day being forced to be separated from the people I love, from the people I care about. The Death of Mr. Lăzărescu also reveals that the main character is caught unawares bythe fact that he has to leave this world. Not like my grandmother, God rest her soul, who had everything prepared for her funeral – her clothes, the dishes and the wooden spoons (according to the Romanian tradition). But prepared as regards his soul, with something that might resemble Mioritic resignation.” (October, 2005).

Opinia criticului
„O dramă cu accente de umor tragic, filmul este atât de bine realizat, cu personaje atât de complexe, încât este deseori comparat cu un documentar de Frederick Wiseman, deși este regizat și rolurile interpretate de actori profesioniști.” (Jonathan Rosenbaum)