Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

The Birthday Boy (2017)

Sărbătoritul (2017)

14 min. - Dramă Scurtmetraj - - 18.12.2017

Synopsis: In a small city in Romania, a twelve years old boy lives his life without much help from his parents who rarely come home from working abroad. The boy's Birthday is on Christmas Day. This year will be special.

Director: Sabin Dorohoi

Writer: Ruxandra Ghiţescu

Stars: Răzvan Schinteie, Olga Torok

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  • The Birthday Boy  (2017)
  • The Birthday Boy  (2017)
  • The Birthday Boy  (2017)

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The Birthday Boy  (2017) Răzvan Schinteie Luluță
The Birthday Boy  (2017) Olga Torok Mother
The Birthday Boy  (2017) Vlăduţ Doban
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Produced By

Reina Film Production
Western Transylvania Studios

Production info

Filmări la Reșita, în februarie 2017.


In 2017, more than 4 million Romanians are working abroad. Their children are left at home with relatives. Luluta is a 12 years old and lives in a small town in Western Romania. His mother works in Germany as a caretaker for the elderly while his father works in Norway.
The teenage boy will celebrate his birthday for Christmas and on this special occasion, his parents are coming home for a few days. Luluta is sad because he cannot spend more time with his parents and sees them rarely. He knows that his parents are in great need for money and they have to go work abroad; therefore, he secretly decides to collect and save money by any means so that his parents don’t have to leave home again. Luluta’s mother comes home for his birthday but the boy avoids to meet her; instead, he goes out with his friend Marius. 
Just like many other children, Marius was brought up by relatives while his parents were working abroad. His poor education is reflected in bad habits like smoking since early childhood and spending all his money on useless stuff. Luluta trades his shirt and trousers for money and Marius is happy to buy them. 
When he goes back home, his parents find out that he sold his clothes and a big fight breaks out. He keeps the secret and does not want to reveal to them that he’s been doing this for a long time now, selling his clothes and presents to save money for them, for his parents, to keep them home.
When they go to bed at night, the mother finds a little box where Luluta keeps all the money he saved for them. She finally understands his motivation and has a nervous breakdown, feeling guilty about the situation.


„Nu doar de ziua mea” - trupa Voltaj


Sabin Dorohoi despre film:
„Filmul continuă subiectul din filmul meu anterior, Calea Dunării, film ale cărui imagini au fost preluate şi în videoclipul trupei Voltaj, cu melodia „De la capăt”, prezentă în finala Eurovision din 2015. În Sărbătoritul este vorba despre evoluţia unei familii, între membrii căreia se produce o ruptură din cauza migraţiei forţei de muncă, iar relaţiile dintre membrii familiei sunt forţate, artificiale”.
”Eroul principal, copilul Răzvan Schinteie, este cel din filmul Calea Dunării, copil care, iată, a crescut şi povestea lui continuă.”
”Am apelat la scenarista Ruxandra Ghiţescu, cu care am o colaborare foarte bună, pentru că, fiind vorba şi de relaţia specială dintre un adolescent şi mama sa, am avut nevoie de o viziune, cumva, mai sensibilă, mai feminină asupra subiectului”

The Birthday Boy  (2017) - Photo