Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Unidentified (2020)

Neidentificat (2020)

123 min. - Drama - N 15 - 26.07.2021

Synopsis: An unsolved case. An unknown criminal. An obsessed cop. His investigation plunges him into a world of darkness and violence, pulling everyone around him into a web of destructive passion and revenge. 

Director: Bogdan George Apetri

Writer: Bogdan George Apetri, Iulian Postelnicu

Stars: Andrei Aradits, Ion Bechet, Dragoș Dumitru

Photo Gallery:

  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)
  • Unidentified (2020)

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Ion Bechet agentul Dragoș Chirilă
Dragoș Dumitru Bănel
Bogdan Farcaș Florin Iespas
Browse the entire cast and crew

Produced By

Cineart Production & Fantascope Films
with the support of Centrul National al Cinematografiei (CNC), Eurimages, Societatea Româna de Televiziune (TVR)
Tasse Film

Production info

Shootings in Piatra Neamț.

Festivals, Awards

  1. 2020 - Warsow - Special Prize of the Jury for Bogdan Farcas, Dragoș Dumitru
    2021 - Anonimul - Anonimul Trophy
    2022 - Gopo Awards - Best Screenplay & Best Actor - Bogdan Farcas


A sharp, tightly woven detective movie set in a small city in Northern Romania. Despite growing debts and an entangled personal life, Florin Iespas - a police detective - is determined to solve a hard case no one seems to care about. Ordered to put down the file, the cop continues his off-the-record investigations, soon turning up a strong lead for two hotel fires that resulted in several deaths. The suspect is Banel, a security guard of Roma descent, but he denies everything. Faced with the refusal of the Police Chief to support his inquiry, the mistrust of his colleagues, and his own inner demons, the cop is forced to come up with a convoluted plan and take extraordinary measures in order to bring it to its inevitable conclusion.


Bogdan George Apetri despre film:
„Un film care combină și subminează câteva arhetipuri ale cinematografiei de succes: filmul polițist, cu detectivi, filmul de acțiune, filmul noir și personajul anti-erou. Li se adaugă o poveste originală, amplasată într-un mic orășel din România, foarte special. Plus o narațiune plină de intensitate, uneori nebunească. O poveste despre peisajul interior al minții și sufletului omenești, despre deciziile hotărâtoare din viață, care sunt rezultatul dorințelor ascunse și conflictelor interioare. Filmul vorbește despre echilibrul care în fiecare dintre noi este mult mai puțin stabil decât ne închipuim”.

Unidentified (2020) - Photo