Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Doctor Poenaru (1977)

Doctorul Poenaru (1977)

104 min. - Drama - AG - 22.05.1978

Synopsis: In 1919, young Doctor Poenaru is sent to be the director at a country hospital. On his way there he meets a formar army comrade, now a lawyer. An ideological and philosophical dispute ensues, the two following different paths in life.

Director: Dinu Tănase

Writer: Dinu Tănase

Stars: Victor Rebengiuc, Ştefan Iordache, Elena Dacian

Photo Gallery:

  • Doctor Poenaru (1977)
  • Doctor Poenaru (1977)
  • Doctor Poenaru (1977)

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Victor Rebengiuc Doctorul Poenaru
Ştefan Iordache Pascal
Elena Dacian Alexandrina
Browse the entire cast and crew

Produced By

Casa de filme Unu

Production info

Filmări august – octombrie 1977 la Licoșteana – Brăila. Cheltuieli de producție 3.713.000 lei.
Ecran normal, color, 12 acte, 3252 m.



Festivals, Awards

  1. 1978 - ACIN - Honorary Diploma (Vasile Nițulescu)
    1978 - Costineşti - Best actor (Ştefan Iordache). Best score


​Ecranizare după romanul omonim al lui Paul Georgescu (Premiul Uniunii Scriitorilor pe anul 1977).

Doctor Poenaru (1977) - Photo