Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Innocent Murder (2014)

Crimă inocentă (2014)

- Action Drama - - 23.10.2015


Povestea unui copil de 12 ani, care a fost luat de acasă și trecut peste graniţă, pentru că tatălui, fermier sărac, i s-a promis o viaţă mai bună. Când copilul ajunge într-o casă la periferie, descoperă că a fost vândut ca sclav unei fabrici clandestine, în care se produc artificii. Locul este ca o închisoare pentru pentru cei 20 de copii aduşi să lucreze acolo.

Director: Adrian Popovici

Writer: Pascal Ilie Virgil

Stars: Constantin Ţurcan, Olesea Svecla, Anatol Durbală

Photo Gallery:

  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)
  • Innocent Murder (2014)

Browse the entire gallery


Innocent Murder (2014) Constantin Țurcan Andrei
Innocent Murder (2014) Olesea Svecla Cristina
Innocent Murder (2014) Anatolie Durbală Purice
Browse the entire cast and crew

Produced By

Artis Film, cu sprijin CNC și TVR.

Production info

Filmat în Republica Moldova.


Artis Film


The story of a 12-year old child who is taken and passed clandestinely across the border. His father, a farmer, promised him a better life. Upon the arrival to a big house on the shattered outskirts, he quickly discovers that he was sold as a slave to a clandestine fireworks factory. Actually, this is a prison for all the 20 children who were deceived and brought to work there. First, the child integrates while working with other children, learning to be humble and keeping his eyes down. He soon gets to know the rigors of the grueling 18 work-hours schedule per day that their captors impose to them under threats and psychological terror. Still, the child believes and hopes that if he works hard enough and meets the required time constraints, they will allow him to leave. A film about child trafficking and their illegal work.

Innocent Murder (2014) - Photo