Revistă online editată de Uniunea Cineaștilor din România

Premiul pentru publicistică 2015 al Asociaţiei Criticilor de film

Cezar Grumăzescu about”Beyond the Hills” and ”Child`s Pose”

”6.9 on Richter Scale”, by NaeCaranfil – official premiere, on the 20th of January

KINOdiseea 2016:  ”That Trip We Took with Dad” preview

Films on DVD: The thriller ”Orizont”, directed by Marian Crișan

One day in the life of Andrei Ciopec

The VIP 2016 film awards

The Anniversary Gala of the Film Studio of the Army

Pătru Păunescu despre ”A fost sau n-a fost?”

Odeon 70

Docuart 2016: Ovidiu Bose Paștina Retrospective

The Night of the Ad Eaters 2016

”Viktoria”, the Bulgarian-Romanian co-production, directed by Maya Vitkova, in cinemas

Gaudeamus 2016: launch of the “Graduation” DVD and book,by Cristian Mungiu

Éducation à l’image 2016 – trainings for teachers

”At the End of the Line”, special screening after 24 years

”Scarred Hearts” in cinemas

Corespondenţă specială de la Salonic: O privire asupra cinematografului românesc

One Day With Tom Wilson

Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest 2016: Avanpremieră ”Inimi cicatrizate”

George Piștereanu at the 2016 Irish Film Days

One century of military cinema, 1916-2016

Docuart 2016: Dan Curean and the #Colectiv Documentaries

Press Conference ”Eastern Business”

Docuart 2016: Masterclass Cristian Tudor Popescu

”Silent Valley”, an original HBO series, directed by Marian Crișan

Corespondență Astra 2016: Proiecte în dezvoltare și premii românești

”Toni Erdmann”, co-producție germano-română

”Two Lottery Tickets”, an comedy

Corespondență Astra 2016: Documentary Tank

Oana Giurgiu despre “La capătul liniei”

(477 articole)