Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

“Acasă, My Home”, the Main Prize in the documentary competition at the Krakow Film Festival

    Acasă / Acasă, My Home, the documentary that follows the story of a family which fights for acceptance and for its own definition of freedom, after 20 years spent in Delta Văcărești, received the Main Prize of the 
documentary competition of the 60th edition of the Krakow International Film Festival.
Radu Ciorniciuc`s debut film adds a new title to its impressive international awards list among which the Special Jury Award for Cinematography in the World Cinema Documentary competition of the Sundance Film Festival, the Best Film Award ofthe DOK.festMunchen and the Special Award of the Juryat the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.
The documentary is produced by Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan, through Manifest Film, in co-production with HBO Europe, Corso Film (Germany), Kino Company (Finland).
Details: Krakow Film Festival

Cuvinte cheie: acasa my home film, festivalul internațional de film de la cracovia 2020, monica lazurean-gorgan, radu ciorniciuc
