Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Open doors at UNATC 2017: Workshop on film directing with Laurențiu Damian

  Every year, the National University of Theatre and Film  ”IL Caragiale” opens its doors for the future filmmakers. For the  2017 edition, the program included a film directing workshop led by the university professor dr.Laurențiu Damian, the president of the Romanian Filmmakers Union (UCIN). Fiction feature films and short films, experimental films have been analyzed from the director`s point of view, focusing on many Romanian productions.
Cinematography: Nicolae Cara
Translation: Iulia Necoară

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Tags: laurentiu damian, universitatea nationala de arta teatrala si cinematografica bucuresti, usi deschise unatc 2017
