Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Cinepub premiere: “Bucharest Non-Stop”

     Bucureşti NonStop / Bucharest Non-Stop, directed by Dan Chișu, is the new feature available online, on the platform dedicated to Romanian film,
     The film's action is set over one night, when the stories of four persons are linked together by a key character, Achim, known as the „non-stop guy”. The cast includes well-known actors such as: Gheorghe IfrimDorina LazărIon BesoiuCuzin TomaAlexandru PapadopolOlimpia MelinteDorian BoguţăMaria Obretin or Adrian Titieni.
     Details at: 

Tags: bucuresti nonstop film,, dan chisu
