Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

One World Romania – participants to „Civil Society Pitch”

     The tutors of the workshop „Civil Society Pitch” have finalised the selection process of the participants from the civil society and of the filmmakers.
     Thus, 13 topics were chosen, related to the field of human rights proposed by the civil society, to be turned into documentary films, and 17 experienced filmmakers will offer their expertise within the workshop.
     The workshop's tutors are Ioana Avădani, manager of the Independent Journalism Centre (CJI), and Mona Nicoară, director and producer, who are to work together with the human rights' activists at the making of the pitches. The final matching with the filmmakers will take place as a 2-day event, during 26-27 March, at the Czech Centre in Bucharest, as part of One World Romania 9th Edition.
     The representatives of the civil society are as follows: Adi Dohotaru („Dreptul la oraș”/„The Right To A Town”), ACCEPT Association („Povești din comunitatea LGBT din România”/„Stories from LGBT Community of Romania”), Expert Forum  Association („Alegerile și frauda electorală în România”/„Elections and Electoral Fraud in Romania), Heima Association („Centrul pentru imigranți din Ardud, Satu Mare”/„The Immigrants' Centre of Ardud, Satu Mare”), FILIA & Funky Citizens Centre („Persoane fără identitate”/„Persons with no ID”), The Partnership for Equality -CPE Centre („Brutăria socială MamaPan”/„Social MamaPan Bakery”), Florin Bădiță („Spirit de voluntar” /„Volunteer Spirit”), the Foundation for Travelling Book („Situația copiilor nevăzători neșcolarizați”/„The Situation of Blind Unschooled Children”), The Informal Action Vulturilor Group („Evacuările din Vulturilor 50”/„The Evacuations from Vulturilor 50”), Letea in UNESCO („Satul Letea”/„Letea Village”), The Spiritual Militia („Identități uitate: Romii musulmani din Dobrogea”/„Forgotten Identities: Muslim Roma People in Dobrogea”, Samusocial of Romania („Poveștile persoanelor adulte fără adăpost din București”/„The Stories of Adult Homeless People in Bucharest”) and the Society for Feminist Analysis AnA („Povești urbane despre (ne)reprezentare”/„Urban Stories on (Non)Representation”).
     The 17 selected filmmakers are as follows: Alexandra Carastoian, Alina ManolacheCamelia Popa, Dorin Moldoveanu, Eugeniu Bocancea, Flavia Dima, Ileana Gabriela Szasz, Ira Merzlichin, Irina Malcea, Iulia Stoian, Mihai Bauman, Mihai Nanu, Mirona Radu, Ozana Nicolau, Pataki Farkas, Sabin Dorohoi and Tedy Necula.
     The special guest of One World Romania 2016 workshop is Maciej Nowicki, director manager of the Film Watch Docs International Film Festival, Poland.
     Details at: Proiecte

Tags: civil society pitch, one world romania 2016, participanți, proiecte documentar
