Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Films in the IPIFF 2016 selection

     Independent Producers Indie Film Festival (IPIFF) brings Bucharest-based viewers the most recent independent Romanian productions, selected in the three competition programmes, during 14-17 December 2016, at Cinematheque Eforie.
     Furthermore, this year's edition will host, on 15 December, meetings with independent producers with a view establish together means for promotion and direct support from the Film Producers Union.
     Within the fiction feature-length films, the following will compete: Două lozuri/Two Lottery Tickets (directed by Paul Negoescu), Billion Star Hotel (directed by Alecs Năstoiu),  Ilegitim/Illegitimate (directed by Adrian Sitaru), Usturoi/Garlic (directed by Lucian Alexandrescu) and Tudo (directed by Iura Luncaşu).
     Within the documentary film competition, the following were selected: Biserici de lemn din România/Wooden Churches in Romania (directed by Kiki Vasilescu), Youtube bazaar (directed by Dan Chişu), România: Patru patrii/Romania: Four Countries (directed by Alexandru Solomon), Sunetele Bucureştiului/Sounds of Bucharest (directed by Mihai Grecea), Roboţelul de aur/Golden Robot (directed by Mihai Dragolea, Radu Mocanu), Bondoc (directed by Cristian Delcea, Mihai Mincan), Doar o răsuflare/A Mere Breath (directed by Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan), Armânii/Macedo-Romanians (directed by Toma Enache), Un film mai puţin vesel, mai mult trist, poetic şi sfătos/A Film Less Joyful, More Sad, Poetic and Wise (directed by Cornel Mihalache) and Războiul Regelui/The King's War (directed by Trevor Poots).
     The shorts to be screened at IPIFF 2016 are as follows: Mă cheamă Costin/My Name is Costin (directed by Radu Potcoavă), Meda (directed by Emanuel Pârvu); Blană/Fur (directed by Tudor Botezatu); 4:15 PM Sfârșitul lumii/4:15 PM. The End of the World (directed by Gabi Virginia Sarga, Cătălin Rotaru); Negruzzi 14 (directed by Bogdan Mureşanu); Ana vine acasă/Ana Comes Home (directed by Emilian Floareş); De ce pe mine?/Why Me? (directed by Dan Chişu); Vise de vânzare / Dreams on Sale (directed by Vlad Buzaianu), Wall (directed by Dan Radu Mihai).
     Also, a students' shorts screening will be held: O noapte în Tokoriki/A Night in Tokoriki (directed by Roxana Stroe), Te mai uiți și la om/You Need to Look at the Person (directed by Ana-Maria Comănescu), Matei (directed by Andreea Simion), Prăjitorul de pâine/The Toaster (directed by Cristian Pop), What God Wants, God gets, God helps us all (directed by Mihai Pîrcălabu), Chat with Alice (directed by Isabela Tent), Stories in tea cups (directed by Mirona Radu).

Tags: cinemateca eforie, festival de film romanesc bucuresti, film romanesc independent, independent producers indie film festival, ipiff 2016
