Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

FFE 2017: Finanțarea filmelor cu credit bancar pe termen scurt

FFE 2017: Filme din Republica Moldova

O zi din viața Iuliei Verdeș

Premiere ”The Last Day”, a film directed by Gabriel Achim

Cineclub FILM: „Țărmul n-are sfârșit”, de Mircea Săucan

The association of the editors and sound designers from UCIN

A day of the life of actress Ana-Maria Guran

Radu Potcoavă on “Stuff and Dough”

”Summer Is Over”, directed by Radu Potcoavă – the premiere - the 5th of May

The European Film Festival – the edition 21

”The Land of the Rising Film” in Iași will have a cinema

Animation Master class at UNATC, with Radu Igazsag and Cristian Radu

”The Visitor”, a Romanian thriller – the premiere

Premiere ”Far From Here”, a Romanian-American love story

”Portraits in the forest”, a film written and directed by Dinu Tănase

Răzvan Enciu about ”The Rest Is Silence”

Alexandru Papadopol despre ”De ce trag clopotele, Mitică?”

O zi din viața lui Cezar Grumăzescu

Open doors at UNATC 2017: Workshop on film directing with Laurențiu Damian

Special screening Aristoteles Workshop 11

Portrait “Radu Gabrea - In Memoriam”

One World Romania: DVD ”Sahia Vintage III - Children”

Iulia Lumânare about ”The Moromete Family”

“Ana, mon amour”, the national premiere with a Silver Bear from the Berlinale

The director Dan Necșulea, celebrated by the Romanian Filmmakers Union

Event ”George Alexandru” at the Nottara Theatre

Nae Caranfil about ”12:08 East of Bucharest”

”Fixer”, a film by Adrian Sitaru and Adrian Silișteanu

Romanian filmmakers at Berlinale 2017

”The Morning That Will Never End”, CiprianMega`s directorial debut

(477 articles)