Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

“Broken”, “Narcis and Fifi” and “The Beast”, at the Drama Film Festival

     Three UNATC short films were selected at the Drama Film Festival (September 17-22, 2018), in the Balkan Student Panorama: Broken (directed by Alex Mironescu), The Beast (directed by Andreea Lăcătuș) and Narcis and Fifi (directed by Șerban Racovițeanu).
     The short film Broken (directed by Alex Mironescu) was also screened at the Malta Internațional TV Short Film Festival. The 10th edition of the festival was broadcast on TVM: from July 20 to September 14, one series of short films was scheduled every Friday evening.
     Details: Drama Film Festival // Malta Intl TV Short Film Festival

Tags: alex mironescu, andreea lacatus, bestia film, broken film, narcis si fifi film, scurtmetraje unatc, serban racoviteanu
