Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

The second Civil Society Pitch powered by One World Romania

     In March, 2016, within One World Romania International Human Rights and Documentary Festival will be presenting, at the Civil Society Pitch workskop, stories with a potential to be turned into documentary films.
     During 14-16 October, 2016, OWR is setting up the second Civil Society Pitch workshop, to be held at the space made available by Tranzit Gallery, 44 Gazelei Street, sector 4, Bucharest.
     Following the first session, three teams of directors and human rights activists were formed, and they are to discuss, at the second workshop, about specific production and funding issues, being granted support with a view to shape a realistic plan able to turn such stories into films. Mona Nicoară (documentary film director and producer), Ana Alexieva (producer with AGITPROP & project manager with Balkan Documentary Center) and Maarten Stoltz (program coordinator, Movies that Matter Foundation) will be workshop tutors and members of the jury.
     At the end of the workshop, one of the three teams shaped up in the spring will be granted an award valued at EUR 4,000 euro for the further development of their documentary film project. The prize Civil Society Pitch – an extremely valuable one granted to an ambitious project at the beginning of the road – is being made possible due to the sponsorship granted to this project trademark of One World Romania by the Ministry of Culture, through its ACCES programme.
     The three projects taking part to the competition, around which the workshop has been built, are: Călătoria lui Dennis/Dennis Journey (director Mihai Bauman, activists – Mircea Olivian (Dennis) and Marina Țupran), Garduri/Fences (director Pataki Farkas and co-director/activist Adi Dohotaru) and Invizibilii/The Invisibles (director Iulia Stoian and FILIA Centre, and Funky Citizens).
     Admission to the event is FREE of charge to all filmmakers and members of civil society interested in social impact topics, and who have met with hurdles in materialising their projects. Those interested must register at the e-mail address
     Details at:

Tags: atelier de film documentar, civil society pitch, drepturile omului, one world romania
