Online Magazine Edited by The national union of filmmakers

Film Critics Association 2015 Award for Best Film Journalism

Tortured for Christ (2018)

Torturat pentru Hristos (2018)

77 min. - Drama Bio - - 15.03.2018

Synopsis: A cinematic retelling of the testimony of 'Voice of the Martyrs' founder, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, as written in his international bestseller "Tortured for Christ".

Director: John Grooters

Writer: Steve Cleary, John Grooters

Stars: Emil Mandanac, Raluca Botez

Photo Gallery:

  • Tortured for Christ (2018)
  • Tortured for Christ (2018)
  • Tortured for Christ (2018)
  • Tortured for Christ (2018)
  • Tortured for Christ (2018)

Browse the entire gallery


Emil Măndănac Richard Wurmbrand
Raluca Botez Sabina Wurmbrand
Tortured for Christ (2018) Eduard Adam Florescu
Browse the entire cast and crew

Produced By

Grooters Productions
Voice of the Martyrs
Fast Production Film

Production info

With the support of: 
Bartlesville Community Center, Oklahoma
Castel Film Studio
Ministerul Transporturilor
Închisoarea Jilava
Teatrul Odeon



OnBuzz (SUA)


  • Premieră în SUA - 5 martie 2018.
Richard Wurmbrand despre Congresul Cultelor din 1945:
“Soția mea și cu mine am fost prezenți la congres. Sabina mi-a spus: ”Richard, ridică-te și spală rușinea asta de pe fața lui Hristos! Îi scuipă în față”.Iar eu i-am răspuns: ”Dacă fac asta, iți vei pierde soțul”. ”Nu vreau să am un laș ca soț” a continuat ea.”



Tortured for Christ (2018) - Photo